Status Update Video 05/2017

I have another status update as a video prepared for you.

In this video you will see the following updates:

Diff Pressure Gauge built in
Background lighting on some Overhead modules finished
Glare Light Panel (Captain and FO)
ACARS printer panel
SELCAL panel (WIP – work in progress)

It was filmed during an online flight from Muscat to Mumbai.

CPDLC within my Flightdeck

Today VATSIM Germany held an online event about CPDLC usage.

So I jumped in with a short flight from Innsbruck to Frankfurt, with Munich Radar and Langen Radar on CPDLC.

Within the sort video you get see a transmission with ProSimUtils (PSU) in combination with the Hoppie ACARS network.

Here you can follow the current live ACARS communication from every current logged on pilot and ATC.

And a short video after the landing in Frankfurt.

Continue reading “CPDLC within my Flightdeck”

Strobe lights working

Yesterday I managed to get the strobe card working in the flightdeck. You can see in the full article below with screenshots. Here a short video of the placed card on the shell. Its not the final position, but the first test looks quite good.

You can download the .LUA script here Strobe Lights LUA (3864 downloads )

updated 25.09.2017 with missing screenshots below

Continue reading “Strobe lights working”

Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]