Strobe lights working

Yesterday I managed to get the strobe card working in the flightdeck. You can see in the full article below with screenshots. Here a short video of the placed card on the shell. Its not the final position, but the first test looks quite good.

You can download the .LUA script here Strobe Lights LUA (3428 downloads )

updated 25.09.2017 with missing screenshots below


got the card now and wired it up.
Tested with the Pokey Software, when I enable/disable the port 23 via the software the relay switches as it should.

I have a script which is generating an output on FSUIPC Value 5313 to 1 or 0.
I configured the switch in Prosim:
User Gate 3 On to the 0x5313 Offset Value:

I configured the Gate User 3 out in Prosim:

The Status of the gate is changing as it should:

Additional you need the following settings configured in Prosim, because they are used in the script.

AC Power to FSUIPC address

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