I have made again a video status update from the status of the Homecockpit.
EICAS Buttons
After some time I started to work on some small parts again – I have started working to implement the lower EICAS push buttons for ENG and SYS in the MIP Panel. Those were never assembled since I started the MIP in 2010. BUT, to get this started, first the EICAS plate must be removed from the cockpit, that was not possible, because all the cables were connected directly to the Joystick and LED cards. So first I had to built in some Sub D connectors to make it unplug-able.
Then I thought it would be a simple and quick solution with the 4 switches 🙂 🙂 Haha, it turned out to be more sophisticated.
I had to take a print plate and attach the 4 push buttons on it.
Then the plexiglass needed to be removed in a way that it will not break, so I drilled some 10mm holes into it and the print plate will be fixed on 2 points with screws and the other part with a super glue to hold that together.
The buttons will be backlit and connected to a Joystick card to have it available in ProSim.
Current it is not finished as I want also to add a background light for the flaps gauge.
Update: 31.10.2016
The PoKey57E card arrivied today and was built into the MIP, behind the Captains Panel. I had to add a second self built GND card, as PoKey cards only have 3 GND connectors for possible 51 switch inputs. This card was mounted next to the PoKey card.
The programming of the PoKey card is very easy. Only assign an IP Address (or leave DHCP) and enable PoKey driver in Prosim. As soon as you push a button Prosim will recognize this. Very cool and saves USB slots 🙂
And here a picture of the finished EICAS buttons.
Yoke delivered
After a couple of months in production the Yoke was delivered from Pedro.
I have added the Clipboard from Agronn, purchased from Aviationmegastore. The clipboard fits nicely to the Yoke.
The yoke was moved into the Captains position, the old yoke was now mounted in the first office side.
Next on the list is to finish the seats and than to add background lights to the MIP and the push buttons for the lower EICAS, which are stored since 2009 in the box.
Yoke Update from Pedro
Today I have received a photo from my Yoke from Pedro.
Nearly finished 🙂
Can’t wait to receive it and built it into the flight deck.
Super Constellation in Vienna
During the last 3 days we had a very special guest in Vienna. The Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation. Sadly I didn’t had time to visit the airport but I catched her during the initial landing on Runway 11.
And today during the takeoff from runway 29. It was a visual takeoff passing direct over our garden. Those 2 pictures where the best I could get. But sadly no sound on the pictures 😉 Very very nice engine sounds.
End of last week (2nd and 3rd September) the Austrian hosted airshow event was ongoing on the military airport Zeltweg (LOXZ).
Since 2007 we are going there and again it was very interesting and very loud – as it should be 😉
In the static display area there where a lot of Tigermeet liveries to be seen as well as an AWACS machine from Luxembourg.
A selection of my best of photos can be found here:
I have also sorted the pictures now in groups from the corresponding display teams, etc. Those albums can be found here.
Last, but not least some short video clips of takeoffs, flyby, etc. can be found on Youtube:
Yoke update
In one of my last posts I spoke about Yokes. After weeks of research and thinking I decided me for a yoke from Pedro from Simujabs. The order was placed now and I will provide here further updates.

Pedro is also developing a clipboard and is in the final phase. For this I will wait until my Yoke is finished production and will see which product I will pick.
Opencockpits has one by themselves, I have to check if this will fit with Pedros yoke.The Agronn Clipboard is working with Pedos Yoke, this was confirmed by some persons.
Mic push button
Today I have added two small buttons in the flight-deck. On the Captains and First Office side a microphone push button. Now you can talk to the ATC through the Headset without touching the Yoke.
Some nice feature that a lot airlines introduced also in their 737 fleet.
Video Status update July 2016
In the video below you will find a status update for my homecockpit from July 2016:
It changed a lot during the last year, when I did the last status report. You will find all modifications like, finishing the shell, curved screen, etc. in this video.
Flight Videos
During the last online flight from LGAV to LGKR this nice short video was created. You can “feel” the turning of the aircraft now. Thats really nice with the curved screen setup.
Here you can see the full flight video. The camera position is not that optimal current. I will work to find a new position soon that you can enjoy also the videos from a good perspective.