CPDLC within my Flightdeck

Today VATSIM Germany held an online event about CPDLC usage.

So I jumped in with a short flight from Innsbruck to Frankfurt, with Munich Radar and Langen Radar on CPDLC.

Within the sort video you get see a transmission with ProSimUtils (PSU) in combination with the Hoppie ACARS network.

Here you can follow the current live ACARS communication from every current logged on pilot and ATC.

And a short video after the landing in Frankfurt.

Continue reading “CPDLC within my Flightdeck”

Strobe lights working

Yesterday I managed to get the strobe card working in the flightdeck. You can see in the full article below with screenshots. Here a short video of the placed card on the shell. Its not the final position, but the first test looks quite good.

You can download the .LUA script here Strobe Lights LUA (3680 downloads )

updated 25.09.2017 with missing screenshots below

Continue reading “Strobe lights working”

LOWW-LOWK-LOWW OS935/936 and OS912 to Vienna from Innsbruck

I have another video post for you today. I was flying a short rotation Vienna-Klagenfurt-Vienna as OS935/OS936.
With my new action cam I current try to find the optimal angle of mounting the cam and setup of the recording station.

With this video the flightdeck camera (actioncam) was removed and created a separate video (see below):

Also another setup from Innsbruck to Vienna with a very shaky flight.

Flight Videos

During the last online flight from LGAV to LGKR this nice short video was created. You can “feel” the turning of the aircraft now. Thats really nice with the curved screen setup.

Here you can see the full flight video. The camera position is not that optimal current. I will work to find a new position soon that you can enjoy also the videos from a good perspective.

Live from the Flightdeck – Cross the pond 2015 *update full video*

Below you will find the time elapse video (no ATC sound) from the Cross the pond flight:

And the full 1 hour video from our flight. All the important parts from the flight are in realtime.

The full video with Sound and ATC is current being uploaded.

Below you will find the tweets during the flight.

Cross the pond 2015 – westbound

I will be attending after 2 years of absence a cross the pond flight.

Cross the pond flight

A live stream will be available and will be posted here as well as on the facebook page. The flight will be on this Saturday, 24th October 2015.

Here you can see a teststream from the last flight from Innsbruck to Vienna.

Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]