CrewSound – new application for playing soundfiles on a condition

Today I want to present you an application I found couple days ago. It will play some predefined sound files based on conditions which you are able to define yourself.

It’s called CrewSound 2010.

You can create more profiles with different configurations and different Soundfiles. It’s a very handy tool to get more athmosphere into your homecockpit without using complex SIOC scripts.

The following flight situations are currently supported:

Boarding; Post-Boarding; Taxi; After Takeoff; Climb; Cruising; Descend; After Landing; De-boarding

You can download CrewSound from Olivers Page here.

Holiday photos – Montreal, New York and Washington D.C

No updates occured within my cockpit, because we had some little vacation in June.

First we visited family in Montreal.

Montreal 2012 - 14.06 - 21.06.2012
Montreal 2012 - 14.06 - 21.06.2012Jun 17, 2012Google Maps Location Photos: 97


One week later we flew to to New York.

New York 2012 - 21.06 - 28.06.2012
New York 2012 - 21.06 - 28.06.2012Jun 20, 2012Photos: 199


After experiencing New York for one week, we continued to Washington D.C

Washington 28.06 - 01.07.2012
Washington 28.06 - 01.07.2012Jun 28, 2012Google Maps Location Photos: 94

Some videos:

RAAS 2.0 released

An update is available for RAAS (Runway Awareness and Advisory System for FSX/FS9)

According to the changelog there were some features added

1. Approaching Runway : Delays between callouts are reduced.
2. On Runway : Delays between callouts are reduced.
3. Takeoff Flaps : Minimum takeoff flaps can be set in “FsRaas.ini”.
4. Extended Hold On Runway : Implemented. Maximum hold time can be set in “FsRaas.ini”.
5. Short Runway Takeoff : Added. Minimum takeoff runway length can be set in “FsRaas.ini”.
6. Distance Remaining (Rejected Takeoff) : This callout is made only during braking, not during taking-off.
7. Taxiway Takeoff : Repeated callout is made when accelerating > 40kts again after reducing speed < 40kts.
8. Short Runway Landing : Added. Minimum landing runway length can be set in “FsRaas.ini”.
9. Distance Remaining : Distance unit can be set in “FsRaas.ini”. (in Feet or in Meters)
10. Landing Flaps : Added. Minimum landing flaps can be set in “FsRaas.ini”.
11. Too High : Added. This callout is made when descent angle > 4.5 deg.
12. Too Fast : Added. Maximum approach ground speed can be set in “FsRaas.ini”.
13. Unstable : Added.
14. Landing Report : Added.

You will find the download at Avsim’s library.

RAAS System – Freeware application

Today I found an application that was introducing by Boeing and Honeywell within the Alaska Boeing 737NG Fleet.

Its called RAAS – Runway Awareness and Advisory System.

You can download the application here.

I have prepared a short video for you:

Attention: In the current version 1.1 I only got it working when executing on the main FS machine. Via WideFS I got no sounds played. I already mailed the programmer and waiting for feedback.

Direct Download Link


Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]