Prosim-AR released a new updated version of their software on the 1st January 2018. Prosim737v2. There were a lot of changes in it. First the update model was modified, means that you need an annual subscription to get the latest updates. Same as Navigraph, etc. If you decide not to continue the subscription you can use the software of course.
The migration from v1 to v2 is free for user who already had a v1 licensed.
2 Pilots Operation Rotation Part 3/4 [LEBB-EDDF]
This is part 3 of the mini series. Follow us on the flight back to Frankfurt.
During the approach into Frankfurt we had a technical issue with the radio communication, you can see that in the video as well.
The whole flight, except the landing, is in time-lapse mode.
Planning for a new Route in 2018
New year, new plans.
I have started my planning for a new route in 2018. Let’s call it “Fly through Europe”.
I will start to fly around in Spain including a “small” jump to Teneriffa and Gran Canaria.
It will be followed by Italy and Greece, but no detailed planning was made.
2 Pilots Operation Rotation Part 2/4 [EDDF-LEBB]
This is part 2 of the mini series from our 2 pilots operation.
This time you can follow us from Frankfurt to Bilbao. The video is in timelapse, except the departure and landing is in realtime.
Merry Christmas
I wish you all a merry Christmas.
This was the only “winter looking” picture I found from the last flights.

2 Pilots Operation Rotation Part 1/4 [LOWW-EDDF]
In this mini series you can see timelapse videos from our 2 pilots operation.
We flew the following legs: LOWW-EDDF-LEBB-EDDF-EDDW
It was really fun and sometimes stress again.
Online flight Graz to Vienna
Today I can you show a flight from last wednesday.
I was online flying from Graz, where we stopped last time, to our homebase in Vienna.
The flight was also done on the online network Vatsim during the VACC-Austria weekly wednesday event.
Online flight Stuttgart to Graz
During the Vatsim event in Austria, Finally Austria, I was flying from Stuttgart to Graz.
It is also the first flight with the new streaming / recording setup.
You will find all flight relevant information now in the video. A moving map was added. The map and the flight information is coming from ProSimUtils (PSU).
Recording / streaming is done via the XSplit application.
There is a small issue in the Altitude and Speed text, but this has been corrected now for the future.
Gatemonitor installed
I have now mounted an old TV Screen in the flightdeck room.

Now I can show the Gatemonitor or other screens on this TV.

Online Flight Frankfurt to Vienna
Today I can show you a full online flight from Frankfurt to Vienna on the VATSIM network.
Enjoy 🙂