Here is a short video from an US flight.
We departed New York to the east to Minneapolis.
Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]
using ProSim737
Here is a short video from an US flight.
We departed New York to the east to Minneapolis.
For this flight I jumped back in my homecockpit. So today you will see a video of the flight down to Kiruna.
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Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper – copyright © Karl L. Swartz.
Back in September I was flying from Venice to Vienna during the weekly Wednesday event from VACC Austria. there were a lot of traffic for runway 29, so I had to initiate a go around due to possible blocked runway and no given landing clearance. enjoy the flight and the interesting approach.
This is a short 5x timelapse video where we encountered severe thunderstorms and turbulence when we departed out of Treviso[LIPH] in Italy. It felt very real in the flightdeck with the Body Shakers doing their work for the turbulence and the visual effects as well.
This is the 21st and last leg of our Mediterranean Tour 2018. It takes us back north to Venice.
We started the tour back in March 2018 and we have visited a lot of great airports with some challenging approaches and weather conditions.
Our total block time was 22 hours and 06 minutes, we traveled 6459 nm, which are 11.962 km. We burned 53.4 tons of fuel during our tour.
I hope you have enjoyed it as well as I / we did. The next tour is already in planning 😉
Here you can see all videos in the playlist.
Some legs where flown with other aircraft, therefore no videos are available, but you will find all blog entries here.
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Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper – copyright © Karl L. Swartz.
The 20th leg takes a last time down south, to Rome [LIRF].
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Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper – copyright © Karl L. Swartz.
On 27th October 2018 the next CTP event was held on the Vatsim network.
I was flying from New York JFK to Manchester. Blocktime was 7hours and 21 minutes.
Here you can view the briefing package for my flight. AUA364 KJFK-EGCC (27 Oct 2018) (1994 downloads )
for more pictures and videos continue reading
The 19th leg takes us back up to the alps with a nice view to the mountains on the approach.
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Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper – copyright © Karl L. Swartz.
The 18th flight takes us again north to Verona. This time in good weather, no thunderstorms and no turbulence.
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Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper – copyright © Karl L. Swartz.
The 17th flight takes us in a very stormy weather out of Treviso down south to Pescara.
Enjoy the flying around the thunderstorms.
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Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper – copyright © Karl L. Swartz.