Frame changed from Lower DU

Today I have finished the lower display unit in my cockpit.

I changed the frame from 8mm wooden plates to 4mm, to look more realistic. Also the painting was done with RAL7011 color.

The next step is to create a digital checklist with the function from SimAvionics. Once this is finished I will create a short video to demonstrate this cool new feature in my homecockpit.

Also a multiway connector for the power is broken an need to be replaced during the upcoming week.

Hardware change

In the background I will change a computer machine. The PC controlled EICAS and the CDU. This one will be replaced with a newer and faster one. Also I will order a 8″ touchscreen to have the lower DU as well as some other nice applications visable in the cockpit during flight. But this will take a while.

I will update the hardware page once the machine is in place and running.

2nd time around the world

The reason why there where no updates during the last weeks was, that we were on vacation. We travelled to Singapore, Hong Kong, San Francisco – by car to Las vegas – , Miami and than one week relaxing in the caribbean sea @ Barbados.
As I am back now I have time to further expand my cockpit.

I have created a selection of photos (mainly aircraft) for you in this photostream:

Or follow this link to open a new windows with the slideshow.

Our route:
Our route

Gear Leveler covering – 1st attempt

Today my wife and I made a minor improvement in the sim.

We have covered the Gear Leveler with some leather at the first attempt.

With the next attempt we will try another leather type which is more firm than this one and will be splitted in 2 parts to overlap each other.

minor updates

During the last days I have did some minor updates work.

– The newest release of SimAvionics was tested, because the 1.155 release had a new calculating function for the autopilot built it, what didn’t worked quite well with my setup as well as some other pilots. Mark improved this now and will release the reworked version soon.

– I have noticed also that my NAV1 module from Opencockpits “disappeared” sometimes – the 7 segments went off. So I have installed a powered USB HUB between the machine and the OC modules.

– On my EFIS the “STA” Button was not workin anymore. I had to disassemble the the EFIS and repair it

– Registration decals on the captains side were mounted

No other improvements were made, but a lot of flying 🙂

FO registration decal

Today I have mounted the registration decal on the first officer side.

Now I can change the decals as they are made of magnetic covers.

The small metal blade was mounted with hot glue on the MIP.


Captain side will follow soon.

Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]