Prosim:737 Software suite – price increase as of 1st February 2013

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ProSim team has announced yesterday that they will double the price for non-commercial licenses starting with 1st February 2013.

If you are planning to buy ProSim737 software suite, you should grab you license in the next 3 weeks to get the current pricing.

Click here to go to the webshop of ProSim.

* Pricing of non-commercial licenses
When we decided our software had reached a certain level we switched from the beta stage to version 1.00 and we first started paid ProSim737 licensing. Now, more than a year beyond that point in which we spent a huge amount of development hours we are implementing a significant non-commercial license price increase.
As of February 1st 2013 we will double the non-commercial license pricing. I don’t doubt the fact this is an unpopular measure but it’s fair from every side I approach it. Looking at our development hours, considering prices of the alternatives, looking at the added value for your simulator and it’s definitely still cheap considering the amount of money people spend on cockpit hardware I feel that the price increase is valid. On top of that we, as everybody else, have to pay our bills.
Today is January second, new prices will be effective as of February first. By announcing the raise a month in advance we want to give everybody who knows our product already the fair chance to obtain a license under current conditions. If you own a license already, please don’t complain but consider yourself lucky while we thank you for your early support.

* ProSim paid subscription
This is very preliminary but honest to mention. We are considering a paid ProSim subscription which includes product updates and possibly navigation data updates and functional aircraft instruction information. Bottom line, we cannot keep on delivering free product updates to all users for ever after a one time purchase. Therefore we’re considering a model of paid updates but we want to add value to this in a form of a ProSim subscription. That’s all I can say about it for now since we’ve not made any decisions yet. This will not be implemented before February 1st and we will definitely be reasonable, as always, when implementing these changes.

Click here to view the announcement in the forum.

Cross the pond 2012 – Eastbound – 20th October 2012

On 20th of October another Cross the pond Eastbound is going to be held on the VATSIM network.

I just booked a flight from Philadelphia to Lisbon with my BBJ aircraft. I want to use the Privatair BBJ aircraft to perform this ~7 hours flight.

I am also planning to stream the live from my homecockpit. I will post the links before the event here.

Not a Boeing, but very interesting ;)

On friday I had a chance to take a look at the technical base of Austrian.

Sadly there where no Boeing in the hangar for maintenance, maybe the don’t need as much maintenance as an Airbus aircraft 😉

But it was very interesting and I got some photos what you clearly can’t see anyday, exept you are a pilot or a technician.

Austrian Technical Base
Austrian Technical BaseSep 14, 2012Google Maps Location Photos: 94
Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]