Here is also a short demo video from the sections that are working until now.
using ProSim737
Here is also a short demo video from the sections that are working until now.
Today i have run some test with the pats of my overhead panel that are finished until now.
Here is a picture from the working sections.
Since a couple of days iam running in a delay. I have ordered the last switches from Opencockpits, but the order has not shipped until now. So i can only wait for the delivery from Spain than i can continue the wiring of the Overhead panel.
Today i continued to do some wiring.
Here a piture of one section… I don’t know how many meters of wire i used…
Today i wired the door section and the Window Heat section.
Today we have finished the support structure. The background is done with plexiglass and the structure with wood.
The picture shows a completed section (without indicators) built with all switches and the gauge. Each section has 3 layers.
Here a picture from the backlight test.
Today we have started building the support structure. On this structure the Overhead will be mounted.
and we have built some switches into the modules.
I wish all cockpit builders and all readers of my blog a happy new year 2010 !
Stay tuned!
Last week i have received the Overhead 3D kit from opencockpits.
I have unpacked all single sections and put them togehter just for a photo.
I also received the Servo card and started programming the gauges via SIOC. APU Start and cooldown as well as the vertical speed is already working.
For the fuel temperature i have to play a little around during the next weeks.
Today i have tested 2 boxes connected to the USB OUT LED Card from Opencockpits.
Looks very nice 🙂
Yesterday with help of Wolfgang, thanks again, we have soldered all indicator boxes with the required resistors.
Now its time for waiting for the rest of the delivery from Opencockpits.