Cross the pond 2019 – 🇨🇦 CYYZ-EHAM 🇳🇱

Join us in the bi-annually cross the pond event from Vatsim.

This time I had Chris as a FO with me and we took the 737 from Toronto to Amsterdam. During the 8hours and 9minutes block time we burned 16.1t of fuel. 

Enjoy a mixture of time lapse and real time videos from cockpit preparation until the night landing with different camera angles including Position reports on the NAT Track.

Our flightplan filed out from FO Chris can be found here:


Here are some selected screenshots:

parked in Toronto
parked in Toronto
cruising over the atlantic…
… into the sunset
landed in Amsterdam


Cross the pond eastbound – KJFK to EGCC

On 27th October 2018 the next CTP event was held on the Vatsim network.

I was flying from New York JFK to Manchester. Blocktime was 7hours and 21 minutes.

Here you can view the briefing package for my flight.  AUA364 KJFK-EGCC (27 Oct 2018) (1994 downloads )

On the rainy gate on T5 in New York JFK
Service loading in progress

for more pictures and videos continue reading

Continue reading “Cross the pond eastbound — KJFK to EGCC”

Vatsim – Cross the Pond Westbound 2018

On the last weekend the bi-annually cross the pond event on the Vatsim network was held.

I flew with an BBJ configuration from London Heathrow to Toronto.

BBJ at the gate in London

The flighttime was 7 hours and 55 minutes. The block time 9 hours and 3 minutes. The most delay was conducted in London from pushback to taxi and than until takeoff.

But it was an amazing event. During the flight into Toronto also some holding had to be done due to the bad weather in Toronto and therefore extended separation on approach.

Here you can view the briefing package for my flight. AUA364-EGLL-CYYZ-14-Apr-2018-2.pdf (1902 downloads )

In the album here, you can see some pictures I have taken during the flight.

And a 2:30min timelapse video is available as well.

Vatsim Cross the pond event 2017

On Saturday 14th October the Cross the pond event was held again. This time, as usual in the autumn Eastbound.

I was participating with a flight from Toronto to Copenhagen as OS364.

The block time was 8 hours an 30 minutes. We lost about 45 minutes on ground due to heavy traffic.

Here you can some pictures from our flight.

A timelapse vide will come later this week.


Live from the Flightdeck – Cross the pond 2015 *update full video*

Below you will find the time elapse video (no ATC sound) from the Cross the pond flight:

And the full 1 hour video from our flight. All the important parts from the flight are in realtime.

The full video with Sound and ATC is current being uploaded.

Below you will find the tweets during the flight.

Cross the pond 2015 – westbound

I will be attending after 2 years of absence a cross the pond flight.

Cross the pond flight

A live stream will be available and will be posted here as well as on the facebook page. The flight will be on this Saturday, 24th October 2015.

Here you can see a teststream from the last flight from Innsbruck to Vienna.

Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]