Today I have connected the pedestal to my cockpit.
In the first short test only the PnP OC Modules have been tested.
The other modules are not yet connected, but will be wired during the next weeks.
using ProSim737
Today I have connected the pedestal to my cockpit.
In the first short test only the PnP OC Modules have been tested.
The other modules are not yet connected, but will be wired during the next weeks.
Today I have finished the painting for my pedestal.
The Pedestal in painted in RAL9002 and RAL7011. The modules will be built in starting next week. Also next week the announciators will be wired as well as the switches.
Today we have built in the structure.
Tomorrow it will get painted the first time.
Today I have started to work on the pedestal.
This will be the main pedestal “box”.
And this structure will hold later on the fire control panel.
It is planned to continue on Thurdsday to build in the holding compartments for the modules and when it’s time enough to start painting in RAL9002 the first time.
Update will be posted for sure 🙂 Stay tuned.
Today I have tried the feature of dimming within the SimAvionics Software.
Here a short video.
It was only a first try, But I will focus to continue the pedestal.
Those modules will be built into the Pedestal.
Not on the photo is the XPDR Module, because this is currently built into the cockpit and will then finally be moved to the pedestal.
After painting the gear leveler the last days, today I have built it into my Cockpit.
I made also an Video with a short demo:
Today I can present you the next update from the gear leveler of my Homecockpit.
The Leveler was fully handmade.
Next week it will receive the correct colour to be than built into the MIP.
Today we have nearly finished the gear leveler.
A picture from all single used parts in the leveler:
All parts built together:
Testing in the MIP (of course it will be painted black):
The video below shows the movement. We have 2 pipes. The smaller runs in the bigger one and is on the back spring loaded.
And another technical thing: The Website is now also optimized for mobile devices such as Android, iPhone, etc. Just take a look from your mobile device 🙂
Today I can give you some more details to my pedestal project.
I have ordered the following parts and their are already on the way to me. Hopefully they will arrive during next week.
The modules are: 1x WXR Panel
1x Cargo Fire Panel
2x Audio Panel
as soon as they are in my hands I can start planning “the box” around.
Furhtermore the following parts will be ordered in the near future: 1x NAV, 1x COM and Fire Panel for the pedestal. This will give me a full operational pedestal. The ADF unit will be a little bit later also the 2nd COM and NAV unit will be bought later.
Some Photos will be posted as soon I have the hardware with me.