Today I have added via SIOC new sounds to be played when passing:
during an approach.
I have also made a video to see how are the sounds working during an ILS approach on Runway 29 in Vienna / Austria.
Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]
using ProSim737
Today I have added via SIOC new sounds to be played when passing:
during an approach.
I have also made a video to see how are the sounds working during an ILS approach on Runway 29 in Vienna / Austria.
Today I have added also a SELCAL function to the Overhead. During atlantic crossings the pilot will be called from ATC via SELCAL and the pilot will respond via radio than.
Click more to see the SIOC code.
Here is a video with the SELCAL function working.
As promised here the video from the working duct press gauge with the new servo motors built in.
The video from the vertical speed gauge is not ready yet, because the SIOC code need to be adopted to work correct with SimAvionics.
As soon as it is finished I will publish it here.
In this 10 minutes video I want to show you the working systems. The video will do an Engine Start and demonstrates Light Test, FMC and Flaps.
Sorry for the bad light. I will try to make the next videos better.
Another video from my brand new OC MCP – white digits edition.
The MCP is running in combination with the EFIS and Sim Avionics Software.
Here is a short video demonstrating the Flap Gauge working with SimAvionics.
Here is also a short demo video from the sections that are working until now.
Today i have uploaded 3 Videos to Youtube.
To see all videos click on “Read the rest of this entry »”
Demoboard of my overhead with some features (Engine Start, Low Pressure,…)