Today the first package arrived from Opencockpits. The light section.
More pictures are available in the gallery.
Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]
using ProSim737
Today the first package arrived from Opencockpits. The light section.
More pictures are available in the gallery.
Today i have ordered the complete forward Overhead kit and all switches and buttons to complete it.
During the next week i will prepare the boxes and add to them each one 56 ohm resistor to have them ready to built in when the overhead arrives.
So, stay tuned.
Today i have uploaded 3 Videos to Youtube.
To see all videos click on “Read the rest of this entry »”
Demoboard of my overhead with some features (Engine Start, Low Pressure,…)
Today i have also tested 1 ON-OFF-ON switch which will representate later the Seat Belt Sign.
with their LEDs.
Next step is to wire them together…
Yesterday and today i have build all 112 indicator boxed together.
Each box exisits of 4 seperate plastic modules.
In some boxes i started gluing the LEDs. Per box 2 LEDs, makes 224 LEDs to get glued in and connected together.
Today i have started to build the indicator boxes.
The first of 3 steps is finished. The engraved black sockets were glued together with the white small rectangle.
All 112 sockets were finished.
More pictures are available in the gallery, as usual.
I have tested one indicator with the three Led colors.
The red ones will be replaced later with yellow indication leds.
Today i received the first part of the overhead section 🙂
All LEDs, some switches for testing and the overhead indicators.
One is shown below.
Other pictures are uploaded to the gallery.
Today i received the ordered Joystick controller BU0836X from Leo.
It’s a simple USB connected controller, where you can connect up to 32 buttons / switches, etc.
Hopefully the order from Opencockpits will also arrive soon, so i can start connecting the switches to the controller.