Donation added

If somebody want’s to donate me something for my project, feel free to use this button or the button in the sidebar to the right.

Every amount is welcome and will be used only for continous improvement of the project.

Thanks alot.

Some sounds were added

  • A “Boarding completed” sound that will be played when all doors are closed. Before the sound starts, the blue CALL light will illuminate. With a push on the attend button on the overhead the light will go off.
  • When you push the Test button from the Cockpit Voice Recoder you will hear a wav file with some spoken cockpit phrases
  • a push on the test button from the Cockpit Voice Recorder triggers another sound file.
  • the erase button will play an erase successful message over the speakers in the cockpit

First Test Flight

Saturday, 7th August, I performed the 1st testflight from LOWW to LOWG in my Simulator. All systems where working as expected. During the approach we had to cross some heavy thunderstorms and rain. The photo shows the ND during approach.


Overhead in the final place

During the weekend we have mounted the overhead into his final place. We archieved another importmant milestone during the cockpit project.


All systems are working well. Only the LCD display lost 2 connections, but this can be resolved during the next days.
In the following weeks we will continue to work on the overhead construction.

Here a nice shot from some wires on the back of the overhead.

Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]