If somebody want’s to donate me something for my project, feel free to use this button or the button in the sidebar to the right.
Every amount is welcome and will be used only for continous improvement of the project.
Thanks alot.
Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]
using ProSim737
Yesterday we have installed an additional support strucutre to the overhead.
And a panel for all the controller cards.
Yesterday I flew the 1st time online with VATSIM in the cockpit. Theflown leg was from LOWW to LIRN.
2 Photos from the apron @LIRN.
Yesterday I have mounted the Yoke onto the MIP.
On the weekend the 1st online flight event will be performed with the Cockpit.
Yesterday the reading lights in the overhead where installed. The photo shows the FO side. A photo with turned on lights will follow.
Today I have mounted the overhead cover on both sides of the overhead. In the next days I will paint it with RAL7011 color.
Next step will be installing some reading-lights to the overhead as well as the gauges.
Saturday, 7th August, I performed the 1st testflight from LOWW to LOWG in my Simulator. All systems where working as expected. During the approach we had to cross some heavy thunderstorms and rain. The photo shows the ND during approach.
In this 10 minutes video I want to show you the working systems. The video will do an Engine Start and demonstrates Light Test, FMC and Flaps.
Sorry for the bad light. I will try to make the next videos better.
During the weekend we have mounted the overhead into his final place. We archieved another importmant milestone during the cockpit project.
All systems are working well. Only the LCD display lost 2 connections, but this can be resolved during the next days.
In the following weeks we will continue to work on the overhead construction.
Here a nice shot from some wires on the back of the overhead.