Speaker Switch working

Today I got the speaker switching working. So it is possible that I can switch the ATC audio from my headset to the speakers in the cockpit and back to only headset operation. This will be done during flights with some friends and longer cruises so that the headset does not need to be on the head during the whole flight.

Continue to the full post to see the coding. A video will follow in the next days – first I have to rewire the Audio panel and change a dummy switch to a real one.

I have added the following lines to my wideclient.ini

RunKey5=path to the program to be executed on push of the button
RunKey6=path to the program to be executed on release of the button

In FSUIPC the option “Keysend 1-255 (WideFS)” was enabled to parameter 5 when pushed and 6 when released.

That’s it – easy when you know it. Thanks Pete Dowson for the help!

Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]