Marker Sound switch

Today I have programmed the wired marker sound switch in my Audio Panel.

In the video you will see an Approach to ILS 11 in Vienna.

In the full post you will find the used SIOC code, just in case you are interested in.

Var 13 name OM_Start Link SOUND // Outer-marker Sound
Var 14 name OM_Stop Link SOUND Type S // add S for Stop variable

Var 99 name AudioPan, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $5358, Length 1
Call &checkAudioP

Var 98, name checkAudioP, Link SUBRUTINE
IF &AudioPan = 2
IF &OM = 1
&OM_Start = 2 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&OM_Start = 0
&OM_Stop = 2 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&OM_Stop = 0

IF &MM = 1
&MM_Start = 7 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&MM_Start = 0
&MM_Stop = 7 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&MM_Stop = 0

IF &IM = 1
&IM_Start = 6 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&IM_Start = 0
&IM_Stop = 6 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&IM_Stop = 0

&OM_Stop = 2 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&OM_Stop = 0

&MM_Stop = 7 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&MM_Stop = 0

&IM_Stop = 6 // number of the sound file defined in sioc.ini
&IM_Stop = 0


Var 15, name OM, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $0BB0, Length 1
Call &checkAudioP

Var 16 name MM_Start Link SOUND // Middle-marker Sound
Var 17 name MM_Stop Link SOUND Type S // add S for Stop variable

Var 18, name MM, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $0BAE, Length 1
Call &checkAudioP

Var 19 name IM_Start Link SOUND // Inner-marker Sound
Var 20 name IM_Stop Link SOUND Type S // add S for Stop variable

Var 21, name IM, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $0BAC, Length 1
Call &checkAudioP

Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]