ATC COM speakers

I started working also on an old long idea. To have the ATC COM in the cockpit from above instead of normal desktop speakers.

My requirements:

  • switchable between headset and speaker
  • adjust the volume
  • cheap and simple

after a little research I found a cheap and simple solution for my needs.

I purchased via Amazon a small car HiFi amplifier, hooked it up to a 12V/2A power supply and connected my USB Soundcard as an input device.

The round speakers were purchased from ebay and built into the overhead next to the lights.

Later the amplifier will be build into the captains side wall then it will be possible to change also the volume from the ATC.

Via the pedestal I can switch between the two configurations: Headset only or Headset and Speaker Output (I have made a video some years ago).

This makes it very convenient during the flight phases.


Shell planking started

Yesterday we have started with the planks of the cockpit shell. We also have built two small racks where the rear speakers are hosted.

2014-12-11 13.26.30

We also included a light switch on the outside. With this switch it will be able to switch the dome light on when you enter the cockpit. You can switch it off with the switch located in the aft overhead.

2014-12-11 19.01.07

Also we continued with the shell building and mounted the light panels. In a couple of days in those panels I will build in the ATC speakers (a separate post on this topic will follow as soon as it is finished)

2014-12-11 19.00.47

2014-12-11 19.01.16

Last but not least, we started on the Captain seat. Also there I will post a separate story when I can show you the progress.

Overhead is back

Today we have continued the shell. We got so far, that we could insert the overhead panel back into the place it belongs. Also all the electronic cards (joystick cards, LED cards, etc.) got rearranged and mounted again.

The next step is to rewire all the cards and boot up the system again, check for failures and start the repairing.

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Building a 737-800 Homecockpit [OE-LNJ]